Latest hack

Big Law 30 May 2024 ByDavid Hollingworth and Naomi NeilsonRansomware gang claims it hacked Sydney law firm

Hackers alleged they have client documents and court details belonging to a Sydney law firm, but its principal said only...

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Big Law 28 May 2024 ByNaomi NeilsonOptus fails to keep report into cyber attack out of class action

The Federal Court has dismissed Optus’ appeal to hold back a Deloitte report into its 2022 cyber attack from class...

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Big Law 24 May 2024 ByNaomi NeilsonMedibank’s chairman told a court an external report into a major...

Medibank’s chairman told a court an external report into a major data hack cannot be included in the company’s...

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Big Law 15 May 2024 ByDavid HollingworthLawyers frustrated with delay of OAIC investigation into Latitude hack

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) and its New Zealand counterpart are yet to release any...

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