Driving efficiency ‘doesn’t have to be complex or sophisticated’ for in-house counsel
Former Tabcorp deputy GC joins Senet
DACM names new GC
ASIC brings 1st court action alleging ‘greenwashing’
‘ChatGPT is really the tip of the iceberg’ for sole GCs
What GCs, disclosure rules and cyber attacks have in common
Law firms not likely to be recommended by in-house teams
How happy are law departments with their legal services panels?
Australian Ethical names new GC
What firms did law departments use in 2022?
What ChatGPT can’t replace for in-house lawyers
What in-house lawyers must be on top of right now
Arup names new Australasian GC
3 trends GCs must address in 2023
Navigating a recession — especially as a younger GC
What do in-house lawyers look for in an employer?
Former GC joins Clayton Utz as partner
Piper Alderman partner joins listed metals company as GC
Using complicated legal jargon in-house is ‘on the line of stupidity’
Biggest lessons for GCs from 2022
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