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Schedule and agenda


Thursday, 8 May 2025

08:00am - 09:00am


09:00am - 09:05am

MC welcome

09:05am - 09:10am

Principal Partner introduction - Lawyers on Demand/Consilio

Paul Cowling
Managing Director, Australia, Lawyers on Demand
09:10am - 09:35am

Breaking the limitations on modern lawyers

Lawyers are no longer merely relied upon as advisers and problem solvers. They are being turned to as leaders, strategists, and role models in clear defiance of long-held beliefs of what the industry is capable of. In this exclusive keynote address, Shannon Finch, Group General Counsel and Group Executive at Westpac, reveals how lawyers should be busting the myth and carving out their own integral place in the corporate ecosystem, challenging attendees to claim their own universe in the corporate world.

Shannon Finch
Group General Counsel & Group Executive, Westpac Group
10:40am - 11:10am

Morning tea & networking

11:11am - 11:45am

AI for in-house: Regulation, responsibility and real-world insights

This session will provide an in-depth exploration of the current state of AI within the in-house legal sector. We will discuss the evolving regulatory landscape, professional conduct obligations, and the ethical considerations that rise as AI technologies become integrated into legal practices.

You will hear about real-world case studies that highlight best practices and lessons learned in AI implementation and learn from successful and challenging implementations of AI within in-house counsel, identifying key takeaways for future applications.

Our speakers will explore current and emerging regulations surrounding AI in legal contexts, including compliance requirements for in-house teams, and analyse how AI affects the professional responsibilities of legal practitioners, including issues of confidentiality, accuracy, and bias.

Tom Balmer
Director, APAC, TransPerfect
Joanne Chenn
Strategy and Legal Operations Manager, LegalVision
Andrew de Celis
Legal Executive - Product and Propositions, Telstra
Matthew Todd
Vice President, General Manager, Elevate Flexible Legal Resourcing
11:45am - 12:20pm

The regulatory spotlight: Navigating compliance and safeguarding your business

Join us for a comprehensive analysis of recent regulatory actions taken by ASIC, ACCC and other regulatory bodies as we discuss the business implications of these actions, focusing on how organisations can navigate the regulatory landscape and implement effective compliance strategies to mitigate risks in the current climate.

Our specialist speakers will:

  • Examine key initiatives and enforcement actions by ASIC, ACCC, and other regulatory bodies.
  • Discuss common compliance pitfalls and challenges businesses face in light of heightened regulatory scrutiny.
  • Explore best practices for protecting your business from regulatory risks and ensuring compliance.
Natalie Faulkner
Senior Managing Director, Risk & Investigations, FTI Consulting
Cameron Loughlin
Legal Director, Australia & New Zealand, Uber
Elizabeth Briggs
Senior Director – Legal, PayPal Australia
Shanaz Khan
Senior Legal Counsel, Colonial First Estate
Vincent Giang
Partner, Clayton Utz
12:20pm - 01:20pm

Lunch & networking

01:20pm - 01:55pm

Evaluating your tech stack for efficiency

Get an in-depth exploration of the current technology landscape as we focus on how you can effectively examine, evaluate, and optimise your tech stacks.

With an abundance of tools and platforms available, it’s crucial for time poor in-house counsel to identify what’s working, what’s not, and how to streamline operations to enhance efficiency and maintain a competitive edge.

You will walk away with:

  • A solid understanding of the latest trends and innovations in technology that are shaping various industries.
  • The skills to critically assess existing technology tools and platforms to identify strengths and weaknesses.
  • The best practices for optimising your tech stack to drive efficiency and reduce costs.
Tyler Lovering
VP & GM, APAC Sales, Conga
Jennifer Bannan
Head of Strategic Partnerships (APAC), LexisNexis
01:55pm - 02:25pm

Keynote: Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should

Rama Lingard will draw on his quarter-century in-house career to illustrate how this is more than a phrase but a philosophy for good business. Being the perceived “Ethical Barometer” or the “Moral Compass” of an organisation requires an in-house counsel to balance what is permitted under the law with what is the right course of action to take. The court of public opinion knows no mercy and at times you need to be that dissenting voice in the room on matters that do not involve what is legal or illegal, but rather what is right or wrong.

Rama Lingard
Head of Legal, Australasia, Mastercard
02:25pm - 02:50pm

A Founder’s Perspective: The Role of General Counsel in Growing a Greenfield Brand

When Stuart and his partners began fermenting the idea of Four Pillars Gin before start-up in 2013, they had the foresight to hire the best legal counsel they could afford. In this exclusive keynote address, Stuart will explain why that decision proved invaluable. By charting the journey of Four Pillars Gin from its inception to their eventual exit in late 2023, Stuart brings a genuine, co-founder's perspective to the role that general counsel play in ensuring businesses grow with consistency and integrity.

Stuart Gregor
Co-founder, Four Pillars Gin
02:50pm - 02:55pm

MC close & event concludes

If you're interested in speaking at the event, please contact Jack via email.