Here, Jahan Kalantar – “the TikTok lawyer” – outlines practical steps and solutions to better communicate with one’s clients.
Speaking on a recent episode of The Lawyers Weekly Show, Jahan Kalantar, also known as “the TikTok lawyer”, shared crucial steps that lawyers can adapt to enhance their ability to communicate with their clients effectively.
In the same episode, he emphasised the ongoing need for lawyers to improve the way in which they communicate with their clients, as this enhancement aims to ensure that clients remain informed, empowered, and supported throughout their legal journeys.
Kalantar argued that while universal communication principles are applicable across the board, the nature of the legal work a lawyer engages in significantly influences one’s approach to communication.
“We’re a coalface-type law firm. We talk to people with faces who have very practical problems. What I may need might be very different to a mergers and acquisitions lawyer who is dealing with two corporations that are coming together, building a data room,” he said.
One of the first key steps in improving client communication, Kalantar explained, is considering the client’s background and tailoring your communication approach accordingly. This approach, he explained, helps build trust and ensures clients understand the information being conveyed.
“It’s very important to begin with looking at simple, easy demographics and use that as a basis for what you’re saying. If this person, for example, is a person with limited education, you might want to step off the million-dollar words, “ he said.
Another critical step Kalantar raised is adapting the delivery of communication to suit the individual needs of clients, ensuring that “they feel comfortable” during the processes by clearly “explaining your communication [style]”.
Kalantar provided a personal example of how he communicates with clients and colleagues, highlighting the importance of being transparent about your style and inviting feedback.
“I tell people, ‘look, I talk very fast and quite loud. If I do, it’s nothing to do with you. It’s not because I’m upset with you or angry, it’s just how I talk. That being said, that might not be the best way for you to take that information in. So, if I’m saying things that you don’t understand or you need me to slow down, you just let me know,’” he said.
To enhance client communication, Kalantar advised lawyers to actively seek candid feedback from trusted individuals regarding their communication style. Such feedback, he explained, can help identify any habits that might be off-putting and offer opportunities for improvement.
“Speak to people that you trust and tell them, ‘look, how do you perceive the way that I [talk]?’ and [ask them to] be brutally honest with you.
“Everyone’s gonna get a friend, oh, you’re great, you’re amazing. No, go to someone and say, look, what is something that I do that’s off-putting? Do I talk with my hands too much?” he said.
Kalantar also highlighted that an essential way for lawyers to improve their communication is by mastering the ability to explain complex legal matters in a clear and accessible manner for clients.
“The second thing is to really get good at explaining the complex in a simple way. If I’ve had any success at all on social media, it’s because I’ve focused a lot on making the complicated seem simpler than it is now.
“The client doesn’t need to know all of the complicated legalese. They don’t need to know the history of the case law. They need it explained to them in a language that works for them,” he said.