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Amy Remeikis
Amy Remeikis
Political Reporter, Guardian Australia

Amy is a political reporter with the Guardian and the author of the best selling 'On Reckoning'. She makes regular appearances on the ABC and the Project and speaks on politics and social justice issues. 

Angie Zandstra
Angie Zandstra
Chief Commercial Officer, College of Law
Anita Thompson
Anita Thompson
Head of Business Operations, Lawyers on Demand
Denise Farmer
Denise Farmer
General Manager,
APAC, Clio

Joining Clio in January 2023, Denise brings over 15 years of experience in legal technology, including leadership roles at LexisNexis, and was most recently General Manager of Practitioner Services at Sympli. She holds a bachelor’s degree in modern Languages from the University of Cambridge, an MBA from Western Sydney University, and is an alumnus of the University of Warwick Business School. Denise has a proven record of building and leading high-performance teams and a deep understanding of the unique needs and challenges faced by legal professionals.

Elise Norman
Elise Norman
Fundraising & Community Engagement Officer,
So They Can
Elizabeth Belperio
Elizabeth Belperio
Implementations Manager,
Practice Evolve

Elizabeth spent the first 10 years of her career working across multiple sectors of the legal industry, initially as a law clerk, and then as a solicitor. She has worked in private practice and the community legal sector. Eight years ago, she brought all this experience with her to PracticeEvolve and has used this to help PracticeEvolve clients in their transition to the software. She started in the Support Team and progressed to a Professional Services Consultant role, before stepping into her current role as Implementation Manager, four years ago. Elizabeth is passionate about the legal tech space and enjoys helping law firms get the most out of their practice management software and improve their overall productivity.

Kate Jenkins AO
Kate Jenkins AO
Former Sex Discrimination Commissioner

Kate Jenkins AO is a leader, lawyer, adviser and advocate who has led cultural reform and advanced diversity, inclusion and performance in Australian workplaces, sport, the arts, parliament and education.

Kate is Chair of the Australian Sports Commission, the federal agency responsible for supporting and investing in Australian sport, from grass roots to elite. She is also Chair of the Creative Workplaces Council, which is responsible for promoting fair, safe and respectful workplaces in the arts sector.

Kate recently completed her 7 year term as the Australian Sex Discrimination Commissioner. Highlights of Kate's term leading the landmark Respect@Work: National Inquiry into Sexual Harassment in Australian Workplaces Report (2020), with the Federal Government committing to implementing all 55 recommendations of the report in full. She also conducted Time for Respect: the fifth national sexual harassment survey and chaired the Respect@Work Council leading regulators, employers, worker
representatives and civil society to implement changes in sexual harassment laws and practices.

Kate has worked with a range of sporting codes to improve inclusion, including golf, cricket, Australian Rules Football, and netball, and conducted the Independent Review of Gymnastics in Australia in 2021 (Change the Routine). Kate led the development of the world-first Guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people in sport. Kate was an Ambassador for the FIFA2023 Women's World Cup, and the T20 Cricket Women’s World Cup.

Kate also led the Commission's collaborative projects on cultural reform with the Australian Defence Force, Australian Federal Police and Australian Border Force. Other significant projects include: Change the Course: national survey sexual harassment and sexual assault at Australian universities (2017), and Set the Standard: Independent Review of Commonwealth Parliamentary Workplaces (2021).

Prior to joining the Commission, Kate spent three years as the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commissioner, 20 years as employment lawyer and lead equal opportunity partner with Herbert Smith Freehills and many years serving on the boards of Berry Street Victoria, Heide Museum of Modern Art, Play by the Rules and Carlton Football Club.

Kate was born and raised on an orchard in Victoria and is mother and stepmother to 5 young people.

Lisa De Ferrari SC
Lisa De Ferrari SC
Lorenz Braysh
Lorenz Braysh
Chief Human Resources Officer,
LEAP Legal Software
Marlia Saunders
Marlia Saunders
Partner (Media),
Thomson Geer

Marlia is a Partner in major law firm Thomson Geer's Media practice, based in Sydney.  She is an experienced media, entertainment and intellectual property lawyer with extensive top-tier law firm expertise and also worked in-house at News Corp as a senior litigation lawyer. 

Marlia specialises in defamation, copyright and trade marks, consumer law, contempt of court, prepublication advice, suppression orders, freedom of information and court access applications, and privacy matters. 

She has acted in a large number of high profile media and intellectual property disputes; advised on sponsorship, production and licensing deals; and given prepublication advice in relation to newspaper and online articles, television programs, podcasts, books and marketing/advertising materials.

Marlia recently led the team behind the successful defence of Network Ten in Australia's most high profile defamation case brought by Bruce Lehrmann.

Sue Chrysanthou SC
Sue Chrysanthou SC

Sue Chrysanthou is a leading defamation barrister whose practice also includes intentional torts and intellectual property matters.

Terri Mottershead
Terri Mottershead
Executive Director for the Centre of Legal Innovation, College of Law