Kirby to debate Scalia
Former High Court judge Michael Kirby will go head to head this morning with the American judge dubbed the "Arnold Schwarzenegger of American jurisprudence" in a debate to be moderated by Justice Murray Gleeson.
FORMER High Courtjudge Michael Kirby will go head to head this morning with the American judgedubbed the “Arnold Schwarzenegger of American jurisprudence” in a debate to bemoderated by Justice Murray Gleeson.
The debate willkick off a notable list of local and international speakers at a landmark legalconference, which opens in Sydney today.
US Supreme CourtAssociate Justice Antonin Scalia, who earned the Schwarzenegger nick-namebecause of his powerful intellect, will join a list of highly respectedlawyers, government representatives and members of the judiciary in addressingthe American Bar Association’s Section of International Law’s (ABAInternational) Conference on “Cross-Border Collaboration, Convergence andConflict”.
The conference is ABAInternational’s first in Australia and has been organised in closecollaboration with the Law Council of Australia, the Law Society of NSW and theNSW Bar Association.
NSW Supreme CourtJustice James Spigelman, former High Court Chief Justice Sir Anthony Mason, andthe new President of the Law Council, Glenn Ferguson, officially opened theconference at the Banco Court at 8.30am this morning.