Blakes hires banking expert from Clayton Utz
Blake Dawson has appointed a former Clayton Utz partner to it banking and finance practice in Sydney.
BLAKE Dawson has appointed a former Clayton Utz partner toit banking and finance practice in Sydney.
Simon Irvine joins the firm with experience working on somemajor international and local deals, including major project financing dealsfor the energy, resources and infrastructure sectors in Australia, London,Singapore and Hong Kong.
At Clayton Utz, Irvine had lead roles on projects includingadvising the successful consortium on the Victorian Desalination Project,advising the Queensland Government with respect to debt financing aspects ofthe
A$4.8 billion Airport Link Project and advising the RTA on refinancing of theM2 Motorway Project.
In Asia, Irvine practised in the oil and gas sector andadvised finance parties on the US$5 billion Tangguh LNG project in Indonesia,the US$4.6 billion CSPC-Nanhai Petrochemicals Project in China, the Oman LNGproject, the Kelanitissa power project in Sri Lanka and the Meghnaghat powerproject in Bangladesh.
The firm said Irvine’s addition to the project finance teamreinforces its expertise in financing projects across the energy, resources andinfrastructure industries.
In another recent coup for the firm, Blakes took an energyand resources expert from Middletons. Peter Limbers had acted extensively forstate and federal government on the regulatory reform of the energy sector, aswell as the reform and corporatisation of government-owned businesses.