New head of sentencing appointed
NSW Attorney General John Hatzistergos has announced the appointment of The Hon. Jerrold Cripps QC as chairperson of the NSW Sentencing Council for a three year stint.
“Within the NSW legal profession, few are held in higher esteem than Cripps, whose achievements in law over the past 50 years are almost without peer,” Hatzistergos said.
Cripps will begin as the chair of the NSW Sentencing Council on 14 November.
“The NSW Sentencing Council is dedicated to improving the public’s understanding and confidence in the criminal justice process and conducting research and advising the NSW Government on sentencing matters,” Hatzistergos said.
“The Council comprises representatives of the community, NSW Police, Corrective Services NSW, victims of crime advocates and legal professionals.”
Hatzistergos commended Cripps’ five-year term as the Commissioner of the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC).
“As the ICAC Commissioner, [Cripps] has presided over hearings into allegations of bribery, fraud and other forms of corruption,” he said.
Cripps was a member of the judiciary for 15 years, serving as a judge of the NSW Supreme Court, Court of Appeal and District Court and as Chief Judge of the Land and Environment Court.
He has also served as chairman of the NSW Legal Aid Commission and president of the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board. He was a member of the Judicial Commission of NSW, a part-time commissioner of the NSW Law Reform Commission and is currently an Arbitrator of the International Court of Sport.
Cripps replaces former NSW Supreme Court judge, The Hon. James Wood AO, QC, as chairperson of the Sentencing Council.
“I thank Mr Wood for his guidance over the past three years, including on matters relating to alcohol-related violence, sex offences and ways of improving public confidence in the judicial system,” the Attorney General said.
Wood will remain a member of the Sentencing Council and will continue in his role as Chairperson of the NSW Law Reform Commission.