Hulls appoints new judges to top court
Five barristers have been nominated as the best and brightest in the Victorian profession, and lifted to the ranks of the state's top court.
FIVE barristers have been nominated as the best and brightest in the Victorian profession, and lifted to the ranks of the state's top court.
Victorian Attorney-General Rob Hulls today announced the appointment of barristers Terry Forrest QC and Dr Karin Emerton to the Supreme Court, and Susan Armour, Julie O'Donnell and Jack Vandersteen as magistrates.
Hulls said Forrest, who was appointed Queens Counsel in 1999, is well qualified for appointment to the Supreme Court. He has specialised in criminal law, intervention and compensation matters, licensing and disciplinary tribunals, personal injury and professional negligence matters.
Emerton, meanwhile, has 20 years in the legal profession, and has studied at the universities of Sydney and New South Wales.
Emerton began her career at Blake Dawson Waldron, now Blake Dawson, and worked for the former Attorney-General's Department.