Latest Productivity

Big Law 07 September 2023 ByJerome Doraisamy‘Lawyers are becoming more expensive and less productive’

New research shows that Australian law firms are weathering softening demand and rising expenses well, but declining...

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Increase productivity without increasing headcount
Big Law 29 March 2022 ByLEAPIncrease productivity without increasing headcount

The ‘Great Resignation’ has been a source of much consternation for law firm leaders, with a mass reshuffling of...

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Better monitoring firm productivity
Big Law 06 August 2021 ByLEAPBetter monitoring firm productivity

In the new normal, monitoring productivity and efficiency to ensure optimal client satisfaction is more critical than...

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Simon Pole
SME Law 05 August 2021 BySimon PoleIs adaptive space the key to the future legal workplace?

A blended space that connects and smooths the transition from front to back, reimagining the “client lounges” of the...

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Most small firms think profits will rise in 2021
SME Law 25 March 2021 ByJerome DoraisamyMost small firms think profits will rise in 2021

An overwhelming majority of smaller law firms expect that profitability will increase this year, after many saw positive...

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Ben Lethborg
Big Law 23 March 2021 ByJerome DoraisamyHits to hip pocket and productivity for firms

The past year has seen diverse but concerning trends for law firms across the board, with half of the profession...

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Peter Maloney
Big Law 29 January 2021 ByEmma MusgraveDigital revolution ‘advancing productivity’ in law firms

The head of GlobalX has shed light on the flow-on effects the COVID-19 pandemic has bestowed upon the legal...

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Fay Calderone
Podcast 15 November 2019 ByTasha LevyHow ‘flexism’ is hindering workplace productivity

Research suggests that providing access to flexible working arrangements creates a more productive, creative, and...

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Big Law 17 March 2017 ByContent SponsorHelping staff manage change – building a culture of productivity

Promoted by FilePro. After working with legal firms for over 25 years, I focus on one simple formula to consistently...

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Big Law 09 June 2015 ByContent SponsorTop 3 ways to improve productivity

Promoted by   Improving your personal productivity will generate a greater profit for your firm or legal practice by...

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