Short skirts and high heels earn grads a warning
Female trainees at a global law firm have been given a dressing down by partners about the way in which they, well, dress down.RollonFriday reports that some female Allen & Overy graduates
Female trainees at a global law firm have been given a dressing down by partners about the way in which they, well, dress down.
The Rep sent this rather convivial email to the trainees in question in order to avoid any embarrassing confrontations:
Ladies - bit of a random one, but we've been asked to draw your attention to the fact that HR have received numerous complaints about the way female trainees have been dressing around the office. The main problem seems to be very short skirts and high heels and generally looking like we're going clubbing instead of to the office (as well as a failure to brush our hair, apparently!).
HR would like this to be addressed asap so they don't have to have uncomfortable discussions with individuals about it, especially as we're now getting into summer and are more likely to be wearing less as it gets hotter!
Apparently, the complaints were made by some of the firm's senior partners, and a spokesman for the firm told RollonFriday that "the sartorial elegance of A&O's trainees has been well known for many years. However, it seemed a good idea to suggest the gentle application of a little common sense when deciding what to wear to work in the morning as we want our clients to remember what they say not what they wear".