Angry spammer launches inbox blitz
American lawyers and law students have found themselves the target of a zealous and belligerent spammer aiming to stamp out racism and sexism within law firms, reports Above the Law.Activist…
American lawyers and law students have found themselves the target of a zealous and belligerent spammer aiming to stamp out racism and sexism within law firms, reports Above the Law.
In particular, San Francisco firm Kerr & Wagstaffe copped a pasting from Brodie, who made the following accusations:
"Out of ten lawyers, all but one are white; out of seven partners, all but one are males; and all the associates are young and attractive white females."
Ken Lammers, a lawyer and blogger responsible for Crim Law Blog, received Brodie's email and decided to research the allegations.
After checking out Kerr & Wagstaffe's website, Lammers built a defence based on his conclusions that actually, the female lawyers at the firm "weren't really all that hot".
Folklaw believes it's case dismissed.