Lawyer starts website to show how he really feels
A Princeton attorney who launched a website attacking his former Middlesex County law firm has had it shut down by a federal judge, but that may not be a wholly satisfactory result for the man's
A Princeton attorney who launched a website attacking his former Middlesex County law firm has had it shut down by a federal judge, but that may not be a wholly satisfactory result for the man's former firm.
The firm claimed Heyburn had violated the anticybersquatting act because when a person typed the firm's name into a search engine Heyburn's site, with its less than laudatory comments, was the first to appear.
Heyburn worked for Levinson Axelrod from 1998 until 2004, then sued his former firm and spent five years in court with the firm until the case was settled. He put up his website a month later.
Folklaw notes, however, that Judge Thompson did not prohibit Heyburn from using his alternate gripe site What's in a name after all?