Lawyers and their place on lists
Author Nick Hornby cemented the idea of list-making in pop culture through his 1995 novel High Fidelity, but in 2009 seeing professions ranked in endless lists is par for the course of a regular…
Author Nick Hornby cemented the idea of list-making in pop culture through his 1995 novel High Fidelity, but in 2009 seeing professions ranked in endless lists is par for the course of a regular news day.
Lawyers are:
A list of 182 jobs in the US by job site - according to five criteria relevant to all jobs including environment, income, physical demands, stress and employment outlook - placed lawyers in the 82nd spot. Mathematicians took out the first place, and firefighters the last.
The 8th most sleep deprived
According to a UK study by Travelodge, lawyers on average are getting six hours and 32 minutes sleep a night, making them the 8th most sleep deprived profession. Real estate agents came up in the top spot, getting on average just five hours and 50 minutes sleep a night.
The 2nd fattest profession
Lawyers have earned the dubious honour of being labeled the 2nd fattest male professionals in the UK, according to a 2008 survey by weight-loss supplement manufacturer LIPOband. They were topped only by truckies.
The 2009 Reader's Digest survey of Australia's most trusted professions found lawyers taking out the 30th spot. This put lawyers just three positions above sex workers, and eight positions above politicians. Mechanics, financial planners and religious ministers all came up as more trusted than lawyers.
Lawyers were ranked as the 18th best profession by CNN's "Best jobs in America" study. Lawyers fared better than doctors in the list, but came in after accountants and business analysts. Systems engineers came in at the top spot.