Hacker keeps Twitter general counsel busy
If Twitter's recently appointed first general counsel Alexander Macgillivray has an account, he would probably be tweeting that his first week in the job was damn busy. The BBC reported that a
If Twitter's recently appointed first general counsel Alexander Macgillivray has an account, he would probably be tweeting that his first week in the job was damn busy.
The 310 documents included confidential corporate and personal documents ranging from executive meeting notes, partner agreements, financial projections, meal preferences, calendars and phone logs of various Twitter employees.
In a TechCrunch post, the blog indicated they would not post all the documents but would include financial projections, product plans and notes from executive strategy meetings as well as the original pitch document for a Twitter TV show.
In response Twitter said that while publishing the documents could jeapordise relationships, "they're certainly not revealing some big, secret plan for taking over the world". They go on to say that Peter Kaftka, editor of tech and media website Silicon Alley Insider, described the situation in an apt analogy when he wrote - this is "akin to having your underwear drawer rifled: Embarrassing, but no one's really going to be surprised about what's in there".