Salaries on ice but chauffeur not sliced
Talk of pay freezes has become all too familiar at large Australian law firms, as last week Corrs Chambers Westgarth joined the likes of Freehills, Allens and Mallesons in capping off salaries
Talk of pay freezes has become all too familiar at large Australian law firms, as last week Corrs Chambers Westgarth joined the likes of Freehills, Allens and Mallesons in capping off salaries for the year.
Even more difficult to swallow, reports, is the fact that the managing partner of the firm will be keeping his chauffeur.
The story reported online last week caused such upset at the firm that it blocked access to the site across its IT network. Consequently, DWF lawyers complained to, noting an error message reporting access blocked due to "inappropriate or unlawful material".
Staff at the firm made enough noise that the IT department backed off and re-opened access to the offensive story - and the guilty chauffeur.