Here, Lawyers Weekly counts down the most-read stories pertaining to the day-to-day experience of Australian sole practitioners and small-firm owners for this year.
Coming out of the age of coronavirus, it is fair to say that Australia’s sole practitioners and small-firm owners have performed exceptionally well in trying times.
With a potential recession on the horizon in 2023, it will be fascinating to see if boutique lawyers can keep up and ensure they remain ahead of the game. To that end, showcasing the stories and experiences of leading lawyers across the country, so that all can better service their clients and manage their businesses, will be a critical duty for Lawyers Weekly in the coming year.
Here are the 10 most-read stories for boutique lawyers for 2022 (not including stories pertaining to acquisitions of SME law firms by BigLaw firms), in descending order:
10. Is 2022 the year to launch your own firm?
9. Values, not the ‘relentless pursuit’ of billables, produce optimal outcomes
8. How the family courts merger impacts the ‘Hunger Games period’
7. 2 boutique firms merge offering
6. How much super should law firm owners pay themselves?
5. Most small firms now work from home, most of the week
4. Is ‘aggressive strategic litigation’ needed?
3. Smaller firms ‘sitting ducks’ following Optus data breach
2. The lessons all managing partners should learn
1. NSW firm offers 4-day week option