PPP deal a win for govt and Clayton Utz
Clayton Utz worked with the SA Crown Solicitor's Office in what has been labelled the Asia Pacific PPP deal of the year.
Clayton Utz advised on what has been labeled the Asia Pacific PPP Deal of the Year.
The new Royal Adelaide Hospital Project has been awarded the Asia Pacific Public Private Partnership Deal of the Year at the 2012 Project Finance Deal of the Year awards.
The $1.85 billion new Royal Adelaide Hospital is the largest, most complex and highest-value social infrastructure project to be undertaken in Australia as a PPP and will replace the existing Royal Adelaide Hospital.
Clayton Utz, led by Melbourne partner Jo Pugsley jointly advised, together with the South Australian Crown Solicitor's Office, the South Australian Government. It helped develop the strategy for the delivery of the project and drafting of the project documents, evaluation, negotiation and financial close of the project.
Pugsley said the award is deserving recognition for such an ambitious project.
"The new Royal Adelaide Hospital will be South Australia's flagship hospital, will have over 700 overnight and 100 day beds and service an expected 85,000 admissions per year.”