Ashurst vote on Blake's merger; NR launch app; Riots cause rise in jailed children; US firm wins
Ashurst to vote on Blakes mergeAshurst partners are expected to vote on a proposed tie-up deal between the firm and Blake Dawson before the end of September, reports
Ashurst to vote on Blakes merge
NR enters new age with apps
Norton Rose Group has launched its first smartphone applications for iPhone and BlackBerry, reports The Lawyer. The apps feature a directory of NR's 2600 lawyers with a "tap and call" function, information on NR's offices, descriptions of its practice areas, news, briefings and videos on topical subjects. The apps were developed by NR's Canadian and London IT and business development teams.
Riots cause rise in jailed children
The influx of child prisoners accused of involvement in last month's UK riots have contributed to an 8 per cent increase in the juvenile prison population in the UK, reports The Guardian. Youth Justice Board figures show 170 riot offenders aged under 18 are now in custody, adding to the 2,075 child prisoners recorded in June. The YJB, which administrates youth justice in England and Wales, said half of under-18s facing riot charges had no previous contact with criminal justice system.
Greenberg Traurig poaches Wall Street wonder
US law firm Greenberg Traurig has appointed former Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft senior partner Dennis Block to the newly-created post of senior chairman for global M&A, reports the AM Law Daily. The 69-year-old lawyer is considered a major Wall Street dealmaker and advised pharmaceutical giant Pfizer on its $68 billion takeover of rival Wyeth in 2009.