Shadow Attorney-General slams McClelland
Robert McClelland's backdown from the national Human Rights Act is "yet another humiliation for the lame duck Attorney-General", according to Senator George Brandis SC.Brandis, the Shadow
Robert McClelland's backdown from the national Human Rights Act is "yet another humiliation for the lame duck Attorney-General", according to Senator George Brandis SC.
In an unforgiving assessment of McClelland's time in office thus far, Brandis said the Attorney-General's decision to scrap the Human Rights Act was "the latest in a growing line of stalled reforms, policy failures and promises which have amounted to nothing."
Brandis said McClelland was unable to "kick a goal" and cited delays and confusion regarding national reform of the legal profession and the "near collapse" of the legal aid system due to persistent underfunding, as further "failures".