Australia Day Honours shared across legal profession
The legal community was again celebrated this Australia Day, with a number of lawyers and judges receiving 2010 Australia Day Honours: Order of Australia:Comp
Order of Australia:
Companion (AC) in the General Division
The Honourable Justice Robert Shenton French (Mosman Park, WA) - For service to the law and to the judiciary, to legal education and administration in the areas of constitutional, competition and native title law, and to legal reform.
Officer (AO) in the General Division
The Honourable Justice Bernard Daniel Bongiorno (Albert Park, Vic) - For service to the law particularly as a Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria and through leadership roles within the Italian community.
The Honourable Justice Bruce Malcolm Debelle (SA) - For service to the law and the judiciary, particularly through the Supreme Court of South Australia and to the community.
The Honourable David Daniel Levine RFD QC (Paddington, NSW) - For service to the judiciary and to the law through the Supreme Court of NSW and leadership of state and national boards of review.
Professor John Denison McMillan (Chapman, ACT) - For service to the law as the Commonwealth Ombudsman, particularly in the areas of immigration and law enforcement, through leadership roles in professional bodies and as an academic.
The Honourable Murray Rutledge Wilcox QC (Leura, NSW) - For service to the law as a Judge and a Law Reform Commissioner, particularly in the areas of environmental, native title and industrial law.
Member (AM) in the General Division
Professor Patricia Lynn Easteal (ACT) - For service to the community, education and the law through promoting awareness and understanding of violence against women, discrimination and access to justice for minority groups.
The Honourable Gavin Leonard Fielding (Subiaco, WA) - For service to the law and to industrial relations as a practitioner and educator.
Ms Karen Marie Flanagan (Vic) - For service to the community in the area of child protection through contributions to policy and program development and legislative reform.
Ms Karen Margaret Fryar (Canberra, ACT) - For service to the community of the ACT as a magistrate and through contributions to the prevention of family violence.
Mr Ezekiel Solomon (NSW) - For service to the law, the development of international trade and relations, and to the arts.
The Honourable Justice Lloyd Stacy Waddy RFD (Neutral Bay, NSW) - For service to the law, the constitutional debate, and to the community through a range of educational and arts organisations.
Medal (OAM) in the General Division
Ms Rosemary Margaret Budavari (ACT) - For service to the law through the advancement of human rights and through the Women's Legal Centre of the ACT.
Dr Ivan Milton Vodanovich (WA) - For service to the law through the reform of the Criminal Justice system in Western Australia, particularly in the area of probation and parole.
See the 2009 list here