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Flicking through past issues of Lawyer2B, one thing in particular stands out as a must-do, according to law firm partners, new lawyers, judges, barristers, and the profession generally. That is,…

user iconLawyers Weekly 03 September 2007 NewLaw
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Flicking through past issues of Lawyer2B, one thing in particular stands out as a must-do, according to law firm partners, new lawyers, judges, barristers, and the profession generally. That is, the necessity of getting involved in things outside your course, outside your firm, and outside whatever it is everyone else is doing.

Some bright young things do voluntary work or support legal aid, others work in a barrister’s chambers even though they eventually want to work in a firm, and others get work experience at the United Nations.

This type of experience is gold dust for those wanting to jump the queue to a well-respected law firm.

Lawyers Weekly, Lawyer2Bs parent magazine for the more experienced members of your profession, has another perfect opportunity for a small number of lawyers to be. That is, to become an online contributor to the Lawyers Weekly website.

When Lawyers Weekly relaunches its website this month, it wants some talented and creative students to write an ongoing blog column about their experiences at law school, law classes, and getting a job.

Contact the editor by 30 July at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with a 250 word article about your life at law school. The article should be suitable for publication and for the witty, discerning, intelligent readership of Australia’s legal profession.

The best six contributions will be published on the new site with profiles of the authors. The best three will also be published in Lawyers Weekly magazine and will be invited to be ongoing contributors to Lawyers Weekly online.

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