Gadens Lawyers at the Sydney Law Careers Fair
When the Sydney Law Careers Fair was held earlier this year, Lawyers Weekly asked each firm who would be representing them at their stall, what they would bring along, and what they would expect
When the Sydney Law Careers Fair was held earlier this year, Lawyers Weekly asked each firm who would be representing them at their stall, what they would bring along, and what they would expect from prospective employees.
Who’ll be there?
Gadens will be represented at this year’s graduate fair by a random sampling of solicitors and former summer clerks. We won’t be sending any partners or HR staff because we don’t want to scare the poor students.
What will they bring with them?
The Gadens stall will be distinctively decked out in lounge room style, designed to encourage casual interaction and remind students that the commencement of a legal career should not be (entirely) mutually exclusive with the maintenance of their former life as a couch potato. Stallholders will talk to the students provided they stay out of the way of the Playstation screen. We promise not to detract from anyone’s enjoyment of the day by making presentations.
We will only hand out showbags if we succeed in stealing them from the neighbouring stalls, but we are offering a special this year: each hour we will conduct a competition in our stall (details to be announced), the winner of which will receive a guaranteed summer clerk interview at Gadens, regardless of how atrocious their marks are.
What are they looking for in future employees?
A Gadens lawyer must have the following qualities:
1. A law degree (easily overlooked, but actually quite important).
2. The ability to distinguish legal practice from real life and to conduct both simultaneously.
3. The desire to make a difference.