LIV acts on depression
LAWYERS ARE not immune to the strains and stresses of managing their professional and personal lives. Nor are they immune to the consequences of those pressures, which could include depression,
LAWYERS ARE not immune to the strains and stresses of managing their professional and personal lives. Nor are they immune to the consequences of those pressures, which could include depression, an upcoming seminar will reveal.
LIV chief executive officer John Cain said the aim was to raise awareness amongst lawyers about the issue and to better equip managers within law firms to recognise the onset of depression. “If you are able to identify [the symptoms] early there is a chance to support and offer whatever assistance might be needed,” he said.
“A person who is suffering or is unwell comes at a price to the firm.” He said it made sense from the point of view of the individual, the work environment and the financial good of the firm to not have people operating under difficult circumstances.
The LIV provides a counselling service for members who need it, but this is the first time such a seminar has been run to provide information about the “tell tale signs” of depression and other conditions.
The seminar will be held between 12pm and 1pm on Thursday 11 August at the LIV.