HSF appoints new regulation expert
Legislation needed for tracking app to assuage privacy concerns
Video tech now allowed for witnessing docs in NSW
Court ruling on Colette demonstrative of judicial discretion in voluntary administration process
Greater appetite needed to challenge government procurement decisions
Press freedom still under threat despite High Court decision
Family violence and practitioner obligations during COVID-19
QLS launches $9m relief package in wake of COVID-19
Qld lawyer reprimanded for communication with court without opponent’s consent
Has COVID-19 made it harder for lawyers to buy a home?
Balance between privacy and workplace contact tracing critical
Business interruption claims may still be possible
The impact of COVID-19 on aged care
The GC’s role during COVID-19
Further changes needed to upcoming AGMs
Pandemic-inspired issues for lawyers in the defence space
Qld Bar cuts fees for members by 30%
Melbourne lawyer guilty on 7 counts of professional misconduct
Restructuring your business to survive COVID-19
Lawyers respond to 3rd economic stimulus
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