Sydney-based firm Brown Wright Stein (BWS) has more than doubled its partner ranks with the appointment of six internal partners.According to managing partner Geoff Stein, the partner promotions…
Sydney-based firm Brown Wright Stein (BWS) has more than doubled its partner ranks with the appointment of six internal partners.
"At Brown Wright Stein...we believe that lawyers who have developed expertise in their practice specialty and strong client relationships should take a leading role," said Stein. "Setting up the partnership for generational change is also important."
Half of the newly appointed partners were women, bringing the total proportion of women partners at BWS to 36 per cent.
The new partners are Caroline Chen, international business; Brooke Glastonbury, property; Robin King, commercial; Michael Malanos, tax; Maria Poniros, IT and estate planning; and Chris Wilkinson, tax disputes and insolvency. Poniros was appointed to the firm's partnership just six years after she was admitted.
BWS also appointed Lily O'Brien as a senior associate in the firm's intellectual property and finance group.