My next move: How can I be sure I’ve picked the right job?
The job sounds great, the work on offer is interesting, you have relevant skills, the people seem nice and there is scope to learn and move up. You feel you will fit in and you accept the role. But do you really know its the right job for you?
The job sounds great, the work on offer is interesting, you have relevant skills, the people seem nice and there is scope to learn and move up. You feel you will fit in and you accept the role. But do you really know its the right job for you?
Research the new employer; it is imperative that you are aligned to the new employer, the business and what they stand for. If you aren’t, you are unlikely to stay.
Understand the job description and be comfortable with the notion that you can perform the role; speak to the manager/supervisor of the role and to any others in the team and stakeholders to get a real understanding of the role, what it entails on a day-to-day basis, its challenges and attractions. If you can meet with the incumbent and discuss the role this would be an advantage.
Speaking to others who know of the employer or have worked there previously will also assist in you better understanding the environment and any challenges you may encounter.
How an employer manages the recruitment of their staff and their induction is a good demonstration of their commitment to their employees. Are those involved professional? Is the process clear and timely? Are you kept fully informed? Are interviewers well prepared and do they understand your resume? The recruitment process provides a good insight into how the business is managed.
Ask about the induction process; your engagement and success in the role will be greatly assisted by a good induction. An employer who offers induction training, welcome pack, staff handbooks, regular newsletters and opportunities for staff to meet, exchange ideas and to socialise is demonstrating a commitment to supporting you to settle in and come up to speed quickly. Above all, it will help make you feel part of the team.
By taking these steps you ensure you make the right career move, for the right reasons, and you avoid making career mistakes.