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Why law firms should brighten up their offices for clients

To enhance positive client interactions, the interior design of legal offices should be modified to cultivate a more nurturing and supportive atmosphere for their clients, argues one firm.

user iconGrace Robbie 13 June 2024 Big Law
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Creating exceptional client experiences is a top priority for any law firm, as it is crucial for building and nurturing strong client relationships. One often overlooked and underestimated aspect in achieving this goal is the design and ambience of the legal office space.

Although it is starting to change, many legal offices in Australia have adopted a standardised corporate layout that primarily focuses on optimising efficiency and productivity rather than creating a unique ambience that prioritises aesthetics.


Doyle’s Family Law & Mediation Office argues that the design of the majority of law practices within the CBD “have uniformed cubicles and sterile conference rooms”, which “indicates a focus on maximising billable hours and streamlining processes, leaving little room for empathy or emotional support”.

While implementing such practices may enhance a legal office’s productivity and the legal professionals’ teamwork, the firm said, it is essential to consider the potential impact this environment can have on the clients who visit these offices seeking advice on challenging and emotional legal issues.

The boutique family law firm underscored that designing your office in such a manner could result in clients struggling to “connect with their legal representatives on a personal level, leading to feelings of alienation and dissatisfaction with the process”.

To prevent this from happening, it said, it is crucial to carefully plan the layout and design of a legal office with the clients in mind. The environment should be supportive, addressing the clients’ needs and providing them with empathy and understanding to effectively navigate their legal concerns.

Creating a comforting and supportive environment is crucial for family law firms as it helps ensure that individuals seeking help feel secure and safe in discussing the daunting and challenging issues they face.

Stephanie Doyle, the principal at Doyle’s Family Law & Mediation, recounted that when designing her office in Melbourne, she ensured that she “curated an office space to adopt a more holistic approach for her clients and consideration to their wellbeing”. She achieved this by implementing “soft lighting” and “soothing colours” throughout the space.

Doyle also said: “When I set out to establish my firm, I deliberately picked a heritage-listed building with lots of character, appropriate parking and privacy for our office.”

She further detailed the positive responses she has received from her clients through making these careful design choices.

“The feedback we get about our location, design, and fit-out choices is overwhelmingly positive, and we know it plays a big part in making the overall client journey less daunting.

“Little gestures of compassion, such as having a cup of tea and chat in our armchairs, can go a long way toward easing the burden and anxiety that comes with seeking family law advice,” Doyle said.

Additionally, the law firm has also received compliments from other legal practitioners within their area, it said.

“I’ve had lots of calls from colleagues and other professionals seeking advice on how to recreate the calming and client-focused spaces we have, right down to colour, carpet and furniture choices,” Doyle said.