Need a replacement for Workshare Compare or CompareDocs?
Discover Draftable Legal, the future-ready alternative for Workshare Compare and CompareDocs. Be prepared as they discontinue by the end of the year.
Future-proof your document comparison. Draftable Legal is the new alternative legal comparison solution. Avoid last minute stress with migration and training by switching to a solution lawyers say they can use immediately without assistance. Draftable Legal is fast, accurate and reliable thanks to our proprietary comparison algorithm.
Available when you need it, with comprehensive integrations for Outlook, Word, iManage, Netdocuments and Sharepoint. Draftable Legal is transparently priced with no lock in contracts and a global support team ready to help you deploy. Built specifically for lawyers by the team behind Google’s #1 ranked general purpose document comparison tool, Draftable Legal is ready for your team today.