There were more than 700,000 downloads of The Lawyers Weekly Show this year. Here, we count down the most popular episodes in the last 12 months.
In late 2017, when Lawyers Weekly launched its inaugural podcast, the brand was securing 4,000 downloads per month. Now, at the end of 2022, there are more than half a dozen different shows under the broader LW network, and our listeners across the globe download the show, collectively, more than 60,000 times every month.
In 2023, Lawyers Weekly plans to take the channel to even higher heights.
Editor and host Jerome Doraisamy said: “We are hugely grateful to our audience for their ongoing subscription and dedication to the various shows we have.
“We intend to keep bringing the listeners the most stimulating, insightful and instructive conversations for legal professionals of all stripes that we possibly can.
“Please get in touch if you have suggestions for topics we can cover, and/or any guests you want to hear from!”
Here are the 22 most-downloaded episodes for The Lawyers Weekly Show in 2022:
22. Navigating the first year of partnership
21. Trend towards non-traditional business models a ‘wonderful thing’
20. A Ukrainian firm managing partner on life right now
19. How can firms keep new lawyers?
18. Why government work is so meaningful
17. Understanding the issues with hybrid working
16. Is law firm market differentiation a unicorn?
15. Why Australia is such a big part of this global firm’s growth strategy
14. Why are junior lawyers so unhappy?
13. Why can’t partners say no to clients?
12. What makes a good dealmaker?
11. Building a successful family law firm
10. What does successful innovative thinking look like?
9. Mentoring 101 in the new normal
8. How worried should lawyers be about rising interest rates?
7. What sets good leaders apart?
6. Where we’re at with whistleblowing
5. What makes a successful special counsel?
4. The reigning Managing Partner of the Year on being true to one’s self
3. Why all lawyers need coaches
2. Removing toxicity from a lawyer’s life
1. Leaving the ‘lawyer’ title behind