National law firm Lander & Rogers has joined a roster of more than 300 Australian businesses in signing the United Nations Global Compact.
Established in 2000, the UN Global Compact is a voluntary framework for businesses to develop, implement and disclose responsible business practices in regard to the UN’s 10 universally accepted principles in matters concerning human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption. Businesses/participants under the agreement must report progress against the 10 principles annually.
Genevieve Collins, chief executive partner at Lander & Rogers, said: “We recognise that our role as a business and a law firm is not only to comply with ethical standards and responsible business practices, but to help to drive these standards through our firm, clients and supply chains, and within our profession and communities.”
Ms Collins added that the UN’s framework is central to achieving meaningful change by providing “guidance and a mechanism for measuring progress”.
Signing the compact aligns with the firm’s ideals of environmental sustainability, outlined in their “2025 strategy”, which aims for complete carbon-neutrality in 2022 and zero waste by 2025.
Since 2021, the firm has been completely reliant on 100 per cent renewable energy, it said in a statement, which has reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by more than 370 tonnes annually.