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Family violence victims still waiting on promised law reform

Victims are still waiting on promised reforms that would have stopped family violence perpetrators from hiding assets when going through family law courts.

user iconTony Zhang 24 July 2020 Big Law
Family violence law reform
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Victims are still waiting on promised reforms that would have stopped family violence perpetrators from hiding assets when going through family law courts.

Women’s Legal Service Victoria and representatives from the super industry are calling on the federal government to deliver on a promised scheme that would have stopped family violence perpetrators from covering their superannuation assets when they are going through the court process.

Tania Clarke, manager of policy and campaigns at Women’s Legal Service Victoria (WLSV), said the government’s failure to implement the scheme meant disadvantaged women going through separation – especially those experiencing family violence – continued to miss out.


“Many of our clients have been in abusive relationships and their partners are hiding their superannuation assets and getting away with it because family law judgements can only be made on visible assets. This is a real issue because superannuation is often the biggest – or only – asset of these relationships, she said.

“The [government’s] scheme would have bypassed violent perpetrators and allowed the family courts to get superannuation information directly from the ATO, saving a lot of time, money and heartache.

Ms Clarke said that deliberate non-disclosure of financial assets is a form of emotional and economic abuse and it can lead to women walking away from their entitlements or to protracted and costly legal battles.

The $3.3 million government scheme was part of the Women’s Economic Security Statement, aimed to give women a better chance of accessing their share of superannuation assets after separation, and improve their long-term financial wellbeing.

Although the scheme was due to begin on 1 July this year, the government has not yet delivered it.

Since the scheme was announced, Women’s Legal, along with super industry stakeholders including Women in Super (WIS), the Australian Institute of Superannuation Trustees (AIST) and HESTA have been calling on the ATO, Treasury, and ministerial staff to implement the measure.

AIST CEO Eva Scheerlinck said profit-to-member super funds recognised the urgent need to improve the visibility of super assets in family law disputes.

“The current process of uncovering non-disclosed super in a family law dispute needs an overhaul. In many cases, enquiries need to be made to a multitude of funds leading to many women simply giving up the search, she said.

“Allowing the courts to access ATO data is a simple measure that will make the process far more efficient, fair and cost-effective both for the individuals concerned and the super industry.”

Family violence has been rising due to COVID-19 impacts. In severe cases, it was reported family violence perpetrators are withholding basic items including food, medicine and hand sanitiser to control victims during the pandemic.

More than 420 family violence perpetrators have been charged with crimes so serious since the initial stages of the pandemic that they were remanded by police.

Meanwhile, NSW Attorney-general Mark Speakman has also launched a new campaign to bolster legal services to help domestic violence victim-survivors reach out for help.