Maurice Blackburn class action adds two more banks
Law firm Maurice Blackburn has filed a claim against St George Bank and Bank SA in the ongoing bank fee class action saga.
The fight against unfair bank fees reached new heights yesterday as 10,500 more people joined Australia’s biggest series of class actions. Maurice Blackburn has filed a further claim in the Federal Court against the Westpac subsidiaries St George and Bank SA.
“These class actions against unfair bank charges are the largest in Australia’s history - $216 million for fees charged against 160,500 customers from seven banks — and there’s every chance it will continue growing,” Gillett said.
“There are families and businesses in every corner of the country that have had enough of unfair bank fees and Maurice Blackburn wants to help them get their money back.
“Australians are sick of the banks throwing their weight around, taking them for granted and charging outrageous fees, whilst happily reaping record profits. This is a chance for people everywhere to fight back.”
One mother and former Sydney small retail business owner Lauren Vella, said the exception fees she’s been charged by St George have placed huge pressures on her family and her business, which she had to sell at a loss.
“The unfair fees we were continually forced to pay put a huge amount of pressure on us and I’m extremely concerned that if nothing is done to stop them, we might have to sell our house that we’ve worked hard to buy as a legacy for our two young sons,” Vella said.
“The banks don’t seem to care or want to help and they don’t realise how badly this can affect families like us who are just after a fair go at trying to create a better life.
“If I can’t leave a legacy for my kids with a house, I can leave a legacy that I helped change the banking system and made it fairer for them as they grow up.”
The bank fees class actions are being funded by IMF (Australia) Ltd, on a no-win no-fee basis for participants.