Minters, Mallesons bank on Barclays M&A
Minter Ellison and Mallesons have claimed legal roles on the newly completed acquisition of Barclays Global Investors by BlackRock.
MINTER Ellison has claimed a legal role on the newly completed acquisition of Barclays Global Investors (BGI) by BlackRock.
Minters acted as Australian legal counsel and Australian tax advisers to Barlcays Bank PLC, and their lead counsel, Clifford Chance in the UK and Sillivan & Cromwell in the USA.
Mallesons Stephen Jaques acted as Australian legal counsel to Blackrock.
In Australia, the merged group will manage more than A$44 billion in combined funds under management, making it one of the country's top 10 fund managers, Minters said today.
The purchase includes BGI's exchange traded funds platform, iShares, which were launched in Australia in 2007 and were the first exchange traded fund of this type in the country.
Blackrock, a US fund manager, gained European Union regulatory approval for its acquisition of the Barclays unit for $US13.5 billion ($A15.4 billion) in cash and shares, in September this year.
The new combined company will be called BlackRock Global Investors.
Minter Ellison corporate partner Mark Standen and tax partner Karen Payne were supported by corporate special counsel Ashley Dayman.