DLA links up Government services
DLA Piper’s Canberra office has advised the Department of Human Services on its data, mobile and telecommunications contracts with Telstra.
Firms: DLA Piper (Commonwealth Department of Human Services)
Area: Telecommunications
Value: Undisclosed
Key players: The DLA Piper team was led by joint Asia-Pacific head of IP and technology, Anthony Willis, and included a large number of the Canberra team over the 18-month process including, in particular, senior associate Damien Porter.
Deal significance: Under this arrangement, Telstra will build and manage a collaborative network platform for telephony services, IP call centre services and video conferencing services for 40,000 users. The network will connect Medicare, Centrelink and the Child Support, and provide mobile voice, broadband and support services across 855 offices. The tender process and negotiations lasted more than 18 months in order to finalise the five-year contract. The deal offers the department improved efficiency and better service delivery, as well as delivering significant savings through consolidating 20 existing telecommunications contracts, and realising some of the benefits envisaged by bringing Centrelink, Medicare and Child Support together within the one department.