Victoria appoints new associate justice to Supreme Court
Catherine Gobbo, a “leading barrister in insolvency law and litigation”, has been elevated to the Supreme Court of Victoria as an associate justice.
Her Honour, the Victorian Supreme Court said in a statement, brings more than 20 years of experience in commercial law as a legal practitioner.
Her Honour will work as an associate justice across commercial matters.
The appointment was effective as of 15 August.
Speaking about the appointment, Victorian Bar president Sam Hay KC said: “The Victorian Bar warmly welcomes this appointment. Catherine Gobbo first signed the Bar roll in 2004 and is very well regarded and respected by her peers at the Bar.
“She has a strong background in commercial law, is a very effective mediator and is recognised as one of Australia’s leading junior barristers in insolvency law – which will be particularly relevant to her role as an associate judge.
“We extend our warmest congratulations and best wishes to Her Honour in her role as an associate judge of the Supreme Court.”
Elsewhere, Justice Terence Forrest has been appointed as a reserve judge to the Supreme Court, members of VCAT, Ian Potts, John Bennett, and Elizabeth Bensz, will have their terms extended, serving a further seven years each, and Justice Michael Croucher, Dr Lee Hamley and Neil Robertson have all been appointed for three-year terms to the Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine Council, with the latter two having been reappointed.
Justice Croucher replaces the Honourable Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth, who will continue to serve as a Supreme Court judge.
Victorian Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes said: “Congratulations to each of these appointees – I look forward to seeing their valuable contribution to Victoria’s justice system.
“Each of these appointees brings impressive legal experience, extensive knowledge and a desire to serve the Victorian community to their new roles.”

Jerome Doraisamy
Jerome Doraisamy is the managing editor of Lawyers Weekly and HR Leader. He is also the author of The Wellness Doctrines book series, an admitted solicitor in New South Wales, and a board director of the Minds Count Foundation.
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