New Victorian Court of Appeal judge appointed
The Andrews government last week appointed the Honourable Justice Cameron Macaulay as a judge of the Court of Appeal.

The appointment of Justice Macaulay filled the vacancy created when the Honourable Justice Stephen Kaye AM retired from the Court of Appeal late last year.
Justice Macaulay was appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria in 2010, during which his honour served as the chair of the Supreme Court library committee, Law Library of Victoria committee, Council of Law Reporting of Victoria, and Consultative Council of Australasian Law Reporting.
From 1983 to 2010, Justice Macaulay was a barrister at the Victorian bar where he was on various committees, including the Bar Council, ethics committee, and professional standards education committee as well as serving as a director of Barristers’ Chambers.
He was appointed senior counsel in 2003.
Speaking about the appointment, Attorney-General Jaclyn Symes said that appointing “such an accomplished judge to the Court of Appeal, further strengthens Victoria’s highest court”.
“As a Supreme Court judge for more than 10 years Justice Macaulay has worked tirelessly to deliver just and considered outcomes for all Victorians,” she said.
“I would like to thank the Honourable Justice Stephen Kaye AM for his dedicated service to the Supreme Court and Court of Appeal.”

Jerome Doraisamy
Jerome Doraisamy is the managing editor of Lawyers Weekly and HR Leader. He is also the author of The Wellness Doctrines book series, an admitted solicitor in New South Wales, and a board director of the Minds Count Foundation.
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