Sydney silk commences role as NSW Deputy DPP
The new Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions for NSW started in his role this week.

Peter McGrath SC started his new role as NSW Deputy Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) on Tuesday.
Attorney-General Mark Speakman described the Sydney silk, who was appointed Senior Counsel in 2014, as an effective and respected counsel in jury trials for over 25 years.
“Mr McGrath is highly qualified for the role, having been an effective and respected counsel in jury trials in the District and Supreme Courts for more than a quarter of a century,” Mr Speakman said.
“He has appeared as defence counsel and as crown prosecutor in complex trials and sentencing hearings involving some of the most serious criminal offences, including murder, child sexual assault and large scale drug manufacturing and supply.”
Mr McGrath obtained degrees in laws and arts from the University of Sydney. He was a barrister at the private bar for over 10 years and specialised primarily in criminal law.
A statement issued by the Attorney-General’s department said that Mr McGrath has appeared as counsel assisting various coronial inquests and Police Integrity Commission hearings over the course of his career.
“He was junior counsel for the NSW Police Force during the Wood royal commission into police corruption and for Corrective Services NSW in the Independent Commission Against Corruption inquiry into prison informers,” the statement said.
Most recently, Mr McGrath served as a deputy senior public defender for NSW. Six years before that, he was a crown prosecutor for the Office of the DPP.
From 1984 to 1990, Mr McGrath worked for the Commonwealth Director of Public Prosecutions.