Law firm hires eight-partner aviation team
Law firm Holman Fenwick Willan has hired an eight-partner team from international firm Barlow Lyde & Gilbert's global aerospace and aviation group.
HOLMAN Fenwick Willan has hired an eight-partner team from law firm Barlow Lyde & Gilbert's global aerospace and aviation group.
The eight partners will work across five office locations – London, Hong Kong, Singapore, São Paulo and Dubai – and add significantly to HFW’s international commerce offering, giving it a new, leading position in the market for aerospace and aviation law. The team will join HFW effective 17 October 2011.
The partners are include Sue Barham, Giles Kavanagh and Nicholas Hughes in London, Peter Coles in Hong Kong, Richard Gimblett in both London and Dubai, Mert Hifzi and Keith Richardson in Singapore, and Jeremy Shebson in both London and São Paulo. In addition to the partners, 16 associates also join with them.
As a result of the hires, HFW is also now able to confirm the opening of an office in São Paulo. The former BLG office gives HFW its first foothold in the South American market, a market already identified by the firm as strategically important across a number of its core sectors, including insurance, shipping, ports & terminals, energy and mining.
HFW senior partner Richard Crump said: “We are delighted that we are now able to conclude the hire of this well respected team of lawyers.
"Discussions with the group over recent weeks have shown that the team will be an excellent fit for HFW, both in terms of practice and culturally."