From procrastination to passion
Overcome CPD training procrastination by focusing on your passion today
Mark Twain said "Never put off till tomorrow what may be done the day after tomorrow just as well." Charles Dickens said “Never do tomorrow what you can do today. Procrastination is the thief of time.”
If you’re reading this, there’s a high chance you are in the Twain school of thought and you’re up against the clock to fulfill your CPD requirements.
Linda Sapadin, Ph.D., psychologist, success coach, author, and motivational speaker, identified six different styles of procrastination:
- Perfectionists are reluctant to start or finish a task because they don’t want anything to be less than perfect
- Dreamers don't like to get bogged down in details and requirements
- Worriers fear change, causing them to avoid finishing projects so they don’t have to leave the comfort of the ‘known’
- Crisis-makers are also known as adrenaline seekers
- Defiers are rebels seeking to buck the rules
- Overdoers say ‘yes’ to too much because they are unable or unwilling to make choices and establish priorities.
Regardless of which category you fall into, with The College of Law - it’s not too late to make up your CPD points. With our online on-demand interactive courses, you can learn when and where it suits you. We’ve designed each course to provide both education and enjoyment. Learn on the go and complete your training by accessing our learning content at anytime, anywhere through your mobile device.
Procrastination is an example of ‘present bias’, our hard-wired tendency to prioritise short-term needs ahead of long-term ones. Essentially, our brains are always looking for the relative rewards - or as psychiatrist and neuroscientist Dr. Judson Brewer, Director of Research and Innovation at Brown University’s Mindfulness Center says: the “Bigger Better Offer” or “B.B.O.” We know that lectures are not always the B.O.O. in the case of mandatory training, which is why our CBD offerings are designed around an engaging range of learning formats (including courses, vodcasts and podcasts), so you can learn the way that works for you.
The real solution to overcoming procrastination is quite simple: passion. According to Dr. Brewer there must be an internal desire, not dependent on anything except ourselves. That’s why we enable our learners to choose the courses and practice areas that matter most to them - from family law to advocacy - we’re helping lawyers reclaim their power and focus on the areas that they are passionate about.
Overcome CPD training procrastination by focusing on your passion today.
With The College of Law, you can dive deep into the practice areas you want, whenever you want and however you want with our on-demand offerings all accessible through your mobile device.