5 signs your career profile needs a lift
If lawyers are feeling invisible in the workplace or not getting the recognition they deserve, there are ways to increase one's profile and get the career mojo back, writes Karen Eck.

1. No-one has ever heard of you
What can you do? Stop sticking your head in the sand and stand up for something you are passionate and knowledgeable about. People are more likely to notice you if you have something worthwhile to say. Be enthusiastic about issues that are important to you and encourage others to join in.
2. The phone never rings
If you need leads to sell a product or service, or to attract investment bucks, a ringing phone is potential business (unless it’s another annoying marketing call!). These days, it’s more like a buzzing text message or Linkedin connection that may prove profitable.
What can you do? Don’t wait for the phone to ring. Reach out to key people in your network on a regular basis. Don’t sell yourself, just connect and ask them how you can help them. Also, make it easy for people to connect with you on LinkedIn or locate a number to call. Whether it’s your information or a representative, make it easy to contact you with just one-click. No one has time for tiresome sleuth work to find your details.
3. You feel invisible
If there is a promotion on the cards or a new gig on the horizon, you need to be top of mind for consideration. Feeling invisible is a bit like being the last one asked to dance or to join a sports team. No one wants to feel left out.
What can you do? Take control and do the asking. Put your hand up to lead the conversation. Ask for an opportunity to be considered and if it’s what you want, apply for the position even if you don’t feel 100 per cent qualified. Your new job should be out of your comfort zone, otherwise, you are not putting yourself in the best position to grow. At the very least it may open doors for training and development to enable you to nail the opportunity...next time!
4. You’ve lost your career mojo
Are you coming home cranky, constantly complaining about the people around you, the incompetence, the unfairness?
What can you do? Get back to the basics. What do you love about your work? What exactly is your expertise and what are your special skills? Why do you do what you do? With renewed confidence in your purpose, you can focus on some practical strategies to get your mojo and career back on track.
5. Someone less experienced takes the spotlight
At the annual conference, you sit in the audience wishing you had been asked to participate. Either they have simply overlooked you or you haven’t proven yourself as reliable “talent”.
What can you do? Get promotion-ready. Update your bio, professional headshot, and write down some topics you are qualified to talk about. With so many live events wiped from our work calendars and replaced by virtual alternatives, put your hand up to help on a panel. If ideas are needed, recommend some of the topics that you can talk to with confidence. If speakers or panellists are being sought you will be in a better position to be considered. And you’ll have brand assets for marketing available with minimal fuss. Great talent is made, not born. It is a skill that improves with practice and experience.
Karen Eck is the founder and principal of publicity agency eckfactor and presenter of “The Power of Visibility”.