SME start-ups: Starting smart
An unprecedented number of start-up law firms have emerged in the wake of perpetual mergers and acquisitions, shift of market conditions and rapid advancement of technology-based solutions, writes Anthony Hersch.

The challenge that many start- ups face, independently of industry, is being a specialist in their respective field versus necessarily being adept at running a business.
- Identify your point of difference
However, in a time of ever-increasing competition and a marketplace where being exceptional is becoming the norm, it’s never been more critical to articulate what you do specifically that differentiates you from your competitors. When determining your point of difference, be aware of some rookie mistakes: service is not a point of difference. Being trustworthy, personable and accessible are not points of difference. These are all expectations.
Conversely, an area of specialisation, concentration on a particular client profile or region are a good point of differences. When defining your point of difference, review:
o Product/ service offering: What is your offering and corresponding user benefits?
o Define your market: Who are they, what do they want and what demand does your product/ service fulfil?
o Identify your core customer: Who is your core customer profile (age, sex, postcode, circumstance, income, etc)?
The proof of the pudding is whether you can summarise your point of difference in a 20 second ‘elevator pitch’.'This could be along the lines of ‘We’re commercial law specialists for boutique construction firms in NSW’.
- Create a powerful brand
- Tell your story
An integrated approach that dovetails multiple channels into each other will always be far more effective than relying on a single tool (i.e. just doing a social media campaign, vs backing it with regular emails, advertising, etc).
At a minimum, consider a professional website and a mix of lead-generating and educational posts on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter on a weekly basis as a starting point.
- A network is not a distribution pipeline
- Hustle
- Challenge traditional resourcing
As an alternative to appointing a permanent or part-time role in-house, it’s becoming more commonplace to outsource areas such as administration, book-keeping and/ or marketing.
Should you decide to appoint an internal resource, be sure the placement has the skills to fulfil the business requirement (as opposed to who’s available, or who you know).
- Keep your cashflow in check
Anthony Hersch is the chief operating officer of JustKapital.