Keypoint Law appoints 2 new principals
Keypoint Law has named two new consulting principals in its Sydney office, expanding its corporate, capital markets and funds management knowledge in the process.

Warwick Painter and Phil Jamieson have been announced in the roles, and between them, bring more than 50 years of experience to the firm.
Across his 30 years of experience, he has worked on domestic and international transactions, M&As, capital raisings, structured products and corporate transactions in the banking and financial sector.
As a corporate, capital markets and funds management lawyer, his expertise covers corporate law, managed funds, financial services regulation and equity capital markets.
This knowledge spans mergers and acquisitions, capital raisings and ASX listings, corporate restructuring, listed and unlisted managed investment schemes, real estate investment trusts (REITS) and the regulation and conduct of financial markets.
Mr Jamieson is a transactional lawyer. His 20-years-plus of experience covers corporate finance, structured finance, funds, insurance and corporate law matters.
He has previously held roles with Colin Biggers & Paisley, Phillips Fox, PwC and Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu (Japan).
He has also worked in-house, as group general counsel of a Japanese real estate investment and fund management firm.
After spending eight years in Japan, and since returning to Australia, Mr Jamieson has “been heavily involved in small cap debt and equity capital raisings in the start-up sector,” complementing his previous work in corporate and fund debt and equity capital raising transactions.
According to the firm, Mr Painter and Mr Jamieson have worked together in previous roles, with the duo intending to “continue to collaborate closely at Keypoint to deliver outstanding results for clients across the full spectrum of corporate, capital raising and funds management transactions.”
Keypoint’s CEO Warren Kalinko expressed his delight at welcoming the two lawyers to the firm.
“Both are outstanding senior lawyers with exceptional reputations who bring a wealth of experience and expertise that will undoubtedly contribute to the continued growth of our corporate and capital markets practice,” Mr Kalinko said.
He noted that “the appointment of Warwick and Phil reflects Keypoint’s continued focus on expanding our client offering and driving the growth of the firm with the addition of experienced and well‑respected senior lawyers.”