Banking and finance partner to trade globals in WA
A Perth partner has announced he will leave the top-tier firm where he has worked for more than 20 years for a global rival.

King & Wood Mallesons banking and finance head, partner Nicholas Creed, will leave the firm in December for global rival Allens in Perth.
Based in Western Australia for the past 12 years, Mr Creed has advised clients across the resources, oil, gas and infrastructure projects, telecommunications, property and general corporate finance sectors. Over the course of his legal career he has also worked in Melbourne, Sydney, Hong Kong and the UK.
Mr Creed’s appointment was described as a “strategic investment” by Allens’ practice group leader Tom Highnam.
“With extensive experience working alongside lenders and borrowers, we are confident Nicholas’ corporate, trade and project finance expertise will benefit clients in the banking, infrastructure and resources sectors. Nicholas also has considerable experience working for Asian financiers funding projects in the region,” Mr Highnam said.
He also noted that the reputation of the KWM partner in Perth would add value to Allens’ client offering.
“We have great clients and a strong pipeline and we know that Nicholas’ reputation in the Perth market and beyond makes him a very welcome addition to our team,” Mr Highnam said.