Superannuation specialist joins Hall & Wilcox
Anne MacNamara has left a national firm to join Hall & Wilcox as a partner in its financial services practice.

Ms MacNamara (pictured) has joined Hall & Wilcox’s Sydney office from Holding Redlich, where she had been for less than two years following 10 years at Henry Davis York.
Hall & Wilcox managing partner Tony Macvean said Ms MacNamara has established a strong reputation in the superannuation and financial services industries.
“Anne’s commercial approach and willingness to embrace innovation fits nicely with Hall & Wilcox’s commitment to smarter law,” Mr Macvean said.
“Her appointment also reflects our intention to add Sydney capability to cater for our growing client base in that city.”
This year Hall & Wilcox has also appointed partner Stephen Klotz from Norton Rose Fulbright, as well as partners Marina Raulings and Nick Slack from MinterEllison.
The firm also opened a Caneberra office in January led by partner Matthew Needham, along with three legal and two support staff, all formerly of Sparke Helmore.