KWM global managing partner re-appointed
Global managing partner at King & Wood Mallesons Stuart Fuller has been re-appointed for a five-year term.

Mr Fuller (pictured) is responsible for the overall global strategy of KWM, for the integration of its practices and people and the implementation of its business plans.
Mr Fuller was appointed as global managing partner in 2012 when KWM was established through the merger of Chinese law firm King & Wood and Mallesons Stephen Jaques.
Three years on, KWM has expanded from four countries in 2012 to 15 countries, and from revenue of US$716 million in 2012 to US$1.037 billion in 2014.
Mr Fuller, who is currently based in Hong Kong, joined the firm in 1990 and has held a number of leadership roles over his 25 years, including chief executive partner, managing partner and practice team leader of the banking and finance group.