Firm steps up to fight street violence
Boutique firm Lexvoco is partnering with Step Back Think, a charity dedicated to the eradication of 'social violence'.

Lexvoco announced last week that it will provide pro bono commercial advice to Step Back Think to help the organisation become a “stronger voice in the community” as it works to eradicate "physical violence that occurs in a community setting", such as a pub brawl.
“We know all too well the devastating impact of social violence,” said Step Back Think CEO, Anna O’Halloran. “The one-punch attack on James took away his ability to eat, drink, communicate and move without the assistance of others.
“The partnership with Lexvoco will support us in becoming a more prominent voice in the community and will help us continue our important work with schools, sporting clubs and the community at large.”
Lexvoco founder Anthony Wright said Step Back Think is a “worthy cause”.
“Not-for-profits often go without legal advice because of the associated costs, or they rely on government-funded legal aid services which specialise in criminal and family law issues, rather than business matters.
"As commercial lawyers, our expertise lies in helping businesses to make smart decisions that help them become powerful and influential companies and this is our goal for Step Back Think.”
Pictured: (L-R) Principal, Lexvoco, Anthony Wright; CEO, Step Back Think, Anna O’Halloran; and Emily McCarthy from Lexvoco.