Transport for NSW GC to return to HDY
After three years away, Helen Vickers will start as a partner in Henry Davis York’s Sydney office in August.

Ms Vickers (pictured) most recently worked as group general counsel at Transport for NSW. In this role she set up a centralised legal function for the transport portfolio and managed a team of 40 in-house lawyers.
Ms Vickers has experience working in five senior government general counsel roles.
Before joining HDY in 2009 as a partner, she had held public sector roles as general counsel/head of legal for the Olympic Roads & Transport Authority, State Rail Authority/RailCorp, the Roads & Traffic Authority and the Transport Infrastructure Development Corporation/Transport Construction Authority.
“I’m excited about joining HDY,” Ms Vickers said. ”I'm looking forward to working closely with the team to continue the growth of the New South Wales and Commonwealth government practices."
HDY has lost five lawyers to McCullough Robertson since May last year.
Last year HDY also lost managing partner Sharon Cook, financial services group head Liz Gray and laid off 13 staff in Sydney.