Clutz partner defects to KWM
Clayton Utz partner David Cowling has joined the restructuring and insolvency team at King & Wood Mallesons in Sydney.

Before joining KWM, Mr Cowling (pictured) counted ANZ, Macquarie Bank and Noble Resources Group among his clients.
Specialising in all areas of insolvency, reconstruction and property enforcement, Mr Cowling has experience in financial services, private equity, mining and mining services, property, infrastructure and media.
His departure is the second Clutz defection this month. Banking and finance partner Brad Allen joined DibbsBarker’s Sydney office on 3 June.
Meanwhile, KWM has gained its second partner in a matter of weeks, hiring the former head of Corrs Chambers Westgarth’s IP, technology and competition law practice, Matthew Swinn, on 29 May.