CEO chefs raise funds for food rescue
It is said that too many cooks spoil the broth, but OzHarvest can’t get enough CEOs and managing partners in aprons as part of the organisation's CEO CookOff to raise awareness of food rescue.

This year, 123 corporate heavyweights took part in the event at the Carriageworks in Sydney, along with 40 celebrity chefs.
OzHarvest is a charity that collects surplus fresh perishables from businesses and distributes them to agencies that assist disadvantaged and homeless people.
Ian Robertson (pictured right), the head of Holding Redlich’s national corporate and commercial practice and managing partner at the Sydney office, raised $10,600 in donations.
“It was a pleasure to be able to support OzHarvest,” said Mr Robertson, who was part of a team headed by celebrity chef Maggie Beer (left).
“As well as raising awareness of the issue of food security and waste, OzHarvest does great work in supporting homeless people and youth in crisis.
“It was an added bonus to be able to work with Maggie whose business success and dedication to great food is quite inspirational,” he said.
Sue Kench, managing partner for King & Wood Mallesons in Australia, also participated in the CEO CookOff, raising $17,355.
Felicity Rourke, partner at Norton Rose Fulbright, and Miriam Stiel, partner at Allens and director of OzHarvest, also attended.